Took a short walk to the McD's near our home.
And it was a smoky walk alright.
The Hungry Ghost Festival was in motion.
Many people were on the sidewalk burning paper money as offerings.
Funny thing is I saw joss sticks being held up by poking into fruits.
One banana was seen holding 5 joss sticks!
Lots of burning, lots of smoke, lots of food for the hungry spirits.
Mum had a McCrispy chicken burger while I had nuggets. In Macau, you can choose the Hot Mustard Sauce. It's pretty good. Just ignore the word 'hot'. Even I'm hotter than this sauce.
Mum : Taste like Ribena.
Me : says Blueberry Sundae. Ribena is blackcurrant.
Mum : Blueberry not supposed to be blue meh? Why red?
Me : -_- Ribena is made of blackcurrant, so is it black?
After McD's, we had to brave our way through all the burning and smoke again.
Made a stop in Watsons to get my contact lens solution and they don't have the brand I'm using.
So I got a different one.
Won't make that much of a difference anyway.
Wanted to get my fav Vidal Sassoon shampoo as it was on promo.
God...I just love this shampoo.
The smell...the way it makes my hair feel...I love it!
And it's super cheap, in my opinion lar.
Believe it or not...1 liter shampoo+1 liter conditioner is only about RM40.
Granted, my hair looks nice no matter what shampoo I use (good genes I supposed), but I just love Vidal Sassoon.
Wonder why they stop selling it in Malaysia.
I promise, it they sell it wherever I am, I'm a customer for life =)
That chocolate pie don't look good but I guess if I see it, I might just want to try one.
Lets put it this way, it taste the way it looks.
You should try one, just for the experience of yuckiness =P
Mum said that it might just be this McD branch screwed it up, so good luck to you!
Baby : I think all pies in McD's are fried lar. Just that this one is pretty yucky.
It's actually not that scary walking about when all the praying is going on. There are lots of other people on the street. It's actually quite fascinating and I wanted to snap some pics but decided not to just in case "they" are not camera shy!
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