Monday, October 12, 2009

Mission Failed

Made a trip to Pyramid today to get a pair of knee length workout pants for Bootcamp.
Came back with lots of stuffs, but not the pants.
Who knew such pants was so freaking expensive?
The cheaper ones are for indoors as the fabric is kinda delicate.
Sorta for yoga and not bootcamp.
Those hardy ones where the fabric won't tear easily when I go jumping and rolling around in grass are rediculously priced.
Okay...I admit, I was in Nike =P

Found some super cheap ones in Jusco but the only size they have is XS =(
Come way I can squeeze into that teeny little pants even after months of bootcamp lar. 
So...mission failed.

Lets see, what I came home with instead.
I finally had McDonald's and got my Grey Coke glass.
Got sunblock for Bootcamp (it doesn't get pretty sunny midway through our training)
Contact lens to make my eyes alluring =P
And some clothings for Eric (see darling, it's not always for me!)

Was in MPH and so tempted to get some books and a Tarot card kit!
Also saw some lovely lingerie (is it me or are lingerie getting more and more expensive these days?)

Wish I had more time to shop but we wanted to beat the after work rush hour.
Driving around in the Klang Valley seriously gets on my nerves.
So many idiotic drivers being let loose on the roads to drive me nuts!!!
It's damn stress just to drive from Putra Heights to Sunway and back.
Must've added a few wrinkles to my forehead today.
I curse the most when I'm driving...can't help it...I wish my car is equipped with a bazooka that I could fire at those idiot drivers.

Okay...enough bitching.
Gotta go get dinner and then try to sleep early for Bootcamp tomorrow!


suanie said...

i got 2 long stretchy pants from bbmaxx at curve, and 2 knee length from brands outlet at ikano. one pair cost less than RM 40.

Tracy said...

Suanie : Maybe I should head on to Ikano one of these days. RM40/pair is pretty reasonable considering it gets so dirty on the field.

Baby : Nike's DriFit and all that =P

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